Typically, Domain Name Contacts are of the following types:
Registrant Contact
Administrative Contact
Technical Contact
Billing Contact
In the system, Contacts are independent of a domain name. All contact information that you have used for registering any domain name, is maintained separately in a Contact database. This allows you to re-use the contact information for any other domain name registration without having to fill in all the values again. Think of this as linking Contacts from your Contact database to the domain names you register. Whenever you change any contact information in any Contact, it will automatically change that information in every domain name which uses that contact information and reflect the same immediately in the Whois lookup results of your domain name.
To Modify Contact Details for a Domain Name
The following instructions are not meant for modifying the Contact Details of:
Login to your Control Panel, search for the domain name whose Contact Details you wish to modify and proceed to the Order Information view. See details
If the domain name is Locked/Suspended, you will have to first get it Unlocked/Unsuspended it before proceeding further.
Click the Contact Details link to proceed to the Contact Details view.
Modify the details and click the Save Contact Details button to proceed to save the changes.
You may choose to use the the Registrant Contact Details for the Administrative, Billing & Technical Contact Details by selecting the Use same contact for Administrative, Billing & Technical details checkbox.
Contact Modifications that trigger Change of Registrant verification
Contact modifications to the following fields will trigger Change of Registrant verification and you will be provided with an additional step to complete contact modification:
Company Name
Email Address
Domain Name Extension Specific Contact Information
The Modify Contact form supports the following, except for the Phone Number, Fax Number and Email Address fields:
Accented characters in case of the below Contact Types:
General Contact
Thin Registry - All characters
Thick Registry - A set of characters and this set varies from Registry to Registry
Contacts Management Independent of Domain Name
Apart from the above process, Contacts can be created and managed independent of the domain name(s), directly from within the Customer Control Panel See details.
Contact Details Modification Errors and Domain Name Extension Specific Conditions
You will encounter the below error message in case the domain name is either:
Locked/Suspended at the Registry (and not under our system), or
a Transfer Away for the domain name to another Registrar is under process
AttentionDomain Status does not allow this operation.
If you wish to modify your domain name's Contact Details in these circumstances, you have the following solutions:
Lock/Suspension applied at the Registry: Contact our Support Team at to know the reason for Lock/Suspension and how this Lock/Suspension may be removed.
While a Transfer Away is under process:
Cancel the Transfer through the link listed in the email sent to the Registrant/Administrative Contact of the domain name and then perform the required modification, or
Wait for the Transfer to complete and then carry out the desired modification at the New Registrar.